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What Happened?

I wrote this in the fall of 2017 What happened?” That is the question I keep getting asked and honestly, my answer changes daily.  I guess the short answer is, “I’m human.”  However, with every short answer there is a long answer so here goes… If you would have asked me two years ago what I thought my spiritual gift was, my reply would have been, faith.  I had faith that the Missionary Baptist Church was the only true church and as a member in good standing that meant I was a part of the Bride of Christ.  I had faith that whatever the MBC taught as doctrine was true for no other reason than they said so and I respected them.  Faith is believing in the unseen and since I never took the time to back up doctrine with the Bible, to me it was unseen.  I tell you I had so much faith in the church, I was it’s number one fan!!!  There was nothing that would ever come between me and the MBC… until there was. I know I am the self fulfilling prophecy… “Don’t ever move away from P

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